Tatu é o canal

– Olha lá Yulia! Eles cairam de novo!

Pois é… quanto eu mais leio sobre Tatu mais eu me divirto. A música é qualquer coisa, mas o auê que fazem em cima das duas é muuuuito legal. Aliás, esperem o dia em que for feito o anúncio de que as duas vão fazer um filme erótico (ou uma comédia romântica lésbica com cenas calientes entre as duas). Pelo menos eu acho que é só o que falta fazerem depois dessa notícia de que elas vão se casar caso ganhem um concurso e que pensam em abrir um bordel… Aliás, o tom da notícia é algo digno de nota. É incrível como as pessoas caem nessas armadilhas de marketing 🙂

tATu \’marriage vows\’

Steve Sealink

tATu\’s increasingly implausible lesbionics are spiralling out of control faster than an Aeroflot Dakota with Vlad the pilot stoked up on the Stolichnaya.

The Ruskie perv-inspiring pop pair – Lena and Julia – now reckon they\’re going to get MARRIED in Germany in the summer – after no doubt garnering some wry quips from Terry Wogan when they represent Russia in the Eurovision Song Contest on May 24.

He\’s a one…

The latest red-top headline-rousing bobbins from the tiresome twosome was relayed to famous German tabloid Bild. Think the Daily Star with more nuddy bits and you\’re in the right area.

After announcing their nonsensical nuptial intent, Lena added the latest, yawnsome dose of tabloid tittilation, saying: \”We were never faithful to each other. We also had lots of sex with boys (but) we don\’t have time for sex any more.\”

\”We still live with our parents but we want to move in together now – into a former brothel.\”

Girls – you\’re shocking us. Go to your rooms now!

tATu\’s May Wembley Arena gigs have been binned due to chronic sales, which the papers have been blaming on fearful parents not wanting to expose their little teen darlings to a show crammed with smutty, schoolgirl corn-fed carpet-munching codswallop.

And these are the same adults who would think nothing of letting them buy a Busted album.


Vai, me diz: como não se divertir com essa história toda? 😀

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